Blue 80-column card with rounded corners reading “DD 5050” in the bottom margin. This is a Data Documents variant of the common IBM 5050 card - a general purpose card for alphanumeric BCD input.
The top three rows (12, 11, 0) are labelled “A Thru I”, “J Thru R” and “S Thru Z” respectively. Interspersed along the cards columns are labels labelling rows 1-9 “A” through “I”, “J” through “R” and “S” through “Z”. These combined allow a user to interpret the card’s punches as alphabetic characters when one of the top three rows, and one of the bottom three rows are punched simultaneously (eg. If Row 12 and Row 1 are punched in a column this represents an “A”, If row 0 and row 9 are punch in a single column this represents a “Z”).
All columns are numbered below the 0 row, and below the 9 and the card is cut on the top right hand corner.