An aperture card featuring with the text “REFER TO PROPRIETARY MARKING ON FIRST SHEET OF DRAWING” is printed inside a box on the left hand side of the card. “NON-TAPE SIDE” is printed in The card has a number of fields to identify the drawing and sheet number, section number, size, issue, control location, address, distribution and “cl.”.
The card is white in color with a blue stripe. It has rounded corners and the top left corner is cut. The left margin of the card contains the text “MMM 11167”. The bottom margin contains the text “KS-20563 L-7 (10-80)” left aligned and “Printed in the U.S.A.” right aligned. Column numbers for all 80 columns are printed at the bottom of the card. The margin text and column numbers are printed on both sides of the card.
The card’s microfilm contains an engineering drawing from a Bell Laboratories “Processor System” drawing showing an interconnection and flow diagram for four “Moving Head Disk Frames”. These are listed in the diagram as “300MB Disk Drives” and most likely Control Data Corporation’s “9760” family of disk drives which were integrated as part of Bell System’s 3B20D computer system. The drawing is labelled as “SD-4C103-01” Sheet “B#1AB”.
The card is printed and punched with the following fields:
Field Description | Columns | Punched Value |
Drawing and Sheet Number | 1-23 | SD 40103 01B# 1AB |
Sect. No. | 24-25 | |
Size | 26-28 | 6S |
Issue | 29-31 | 1 |
[Unlabelled] | 32 | |
Contr. Loc. | 33-35 | IH9 |
Address | 36-39 | IC |
Distrib. | 40-43 | |
Cl. | 44 | |
[Unknown]* | 52 | 11 |
[Unknown]* | 78-80 | 0,11,8,2 |
* These fields were likely flags of some kind; possibly for the microfilm scanner/camera. The values are not known, and have been represented as comma separated list of punched rows.
Microfilm scans of this card are were captured with thanks to the facilities made available by the James Cook University Eddie Koiki Mabo Library.